Busting the Myths about Sensitive Eyelash Glue
The basics:
First of all, let’s talk about glue basics.
A good, professional eyelash glue will be “formaldehyde-free”. This is often a bit deceptive. It is impossible for a glue to be %100 formaldehyde free because with every exposure to the air and moisture, cyanoacrylates (the sticky ingredient in glues that give us our bond,) slowly forms formaldehyde. This is why we replace our glue a maximum of every THREE months. A good quality glue will have a virtually undetectable amount of formaldehyde!
What makes sensitive glue different?
Oftentimes a good sensitive glue will be colorless and virtually odorless. By taking the carbon out of glue, we are left without the black pigment. By limiting the amount of fumes, we limit the risk for a reaction. Most times when a client has a reaction to their lashes it’s due to the fumes and not the lashes themselves. Because of their nature sensitive glues often have extremely long drying times. Fumes help glues to dry more quickly by removing that factor you’re looking at a 3- up to 10 second dry time!
What does sensitivity look like?
A sensitivity would be a client whose eyes get especially watery. They may notice the fumes of the glue more than others and get a runny nose or they may have VERY SLIGHT itchiness or irritation immediately and during the application. This sensitivity subsides as soon as the glue is dry and does not lead to redness, pain, swelling, etc.
An allergy will happen in both eyes. The client will experience redness, swelling, itchiness, soreness, etc.
Be vigilant
When assessing whether or not a client is having an allergic reaction, troubleshoot any other potential factors. Are the lashes glued to their skin? Are they having a reaction to the gel pads, which often are not hypoallergenic? Is it allergy season during which their histamine responses may be in overdrive?
Remember! We are not medical professionals and we are no substitute for Professional medical advice When in doubt, refer your clients to a doctor and never ever offer medical advice. Keep yourself and your clients protected!
If you’ve got a peanut allergy, would you eat a peanut butter cookie?
The most important thing to remember with sensitive glues is they are absolutely not a substitute if your client has a true allergy. Allergies are progressive and long term exposure can lead to potentially disastrous reactions. Don’t allow yourself to be held liable when you could simply explain to your client that lashes aren’t an option for them. Consider things like tinting or lash lifts for the dedicated client, but never allow a client to bully you into putting their health at risk. Sensitive glues are for the clients who are just that—sensitive. Not for the client who is allergic.
Happy Lashing, Lovelies!